As Chairperson of Education Committee

As Chairperson of Education Committee

As Chairperson of Education Committee, Mrs. Mamta Nagpal not only worked to provide better infrastructure but also worried about improving the quality of education in the schools.
She conducted many meetings and seminars with officers of the department and Principles of various schools. She wanted to emphasise on value-based education so sessions on Yoga, Women-safety and health care were also conducted. She personally interacted with hundreds of Principals and teachers to convey her idea of Quality education and to get first-hand information.

Another achievement of Mrs Mamta Nagpal as chairperson of education committee was to promote more than almost 400 teachers as principals in North, East and South MCD. Out of which 200 of them started performing their duties in North MCD only

Shanthi Desai Stadium in Chandni Chowk area is a part of Education Department but it was lying unattended for many years. Mrs Nagpal got it renovated and was put to use for various purposes.

sed action items.

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